Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Friday, 16 October 2009

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Hypnosis & NLP - Education v Entertainment

Some people when they think about hypnosis, they think of swinging watches and people dancing with brooms! Unfortunately stage hypnosis has in my opinion given not done hypnosis any favours in terms of public perception and reputation. NLP has in my view similar problems with ludicrous claims of inexperienced NLPers trying to command 1000 pounds for a few hours "trippy chance" that is promised to change a person's life...

This "entertainment" aspect has no doubt produced a great deal of whooping and feel good sensations, but the problems occur when people with a very limited training beleive they can then work with really problematic client conditions. The NLP and Hypnosis skill sets can produce excellent results, but I can count on one hand the number of truly skilled individuals I have met over the years.

Finally to my amusement while writing this, I received an e-mail suggesting that if I attended a particular 3 day NLP course, 2009 would then be my best year yet! 2009 is actually proving to be my best year yet, but mainly through focussed hard work and application towards sorting the differences between what is in fact education and entertainment...

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Beyond NLP for real therapeutic change, UK event

Two Days of, “Therapeutic Change - Creating Excellence” with Nick Kemp and Andrew T. Austin

Queens Hotel, Leeds, Yorkshire
4th-5th April 2009

Attendance by application only.
Please Email: nlp@hotmail.co.uk for your application form.

Throughout this workshop, both Nick Kemp and Andrew T. Austin will be outlining the structure of excellence within therapy session design and their strategies for ensuring a popular and thriving clinical practice.

“Do you know Nick Kemp?…[he is] exceptionally bright, and I have
immensely enjoyed communicating… The kind of exchanges that I have
been having are the kind of exchanges that I think can really advance the field.” Steve Andreas, NLP Author, Trainer and Developer.

“He is the British Milton Erickson.” Bill O’Hanlon, author and
therapist commenting on Andrew T. Austin’s book, “The Rainbow Machine
- Tales From a Neurolinguist’s Journal.”

This is an opportunity for NLP practitioners, coaches and therapists to discover some of the patterns of excellence occurring in professionally delivered therapeutic change. This training moves
beyond the popular training style of, “Edutainment” and into the
attitudes of a professional change worker.

Attendance by application only.
Please Email: nlp@hotmail.co.uk for your application form


Thursday, 29 January 2009

NLP, language and exagerations

One of the most useful things I learned from a decade of studying NLP is the use of language in personal and group communications. Amazingly many NLPers even after extensive training can fall into the trap of not paying attention to how they say in written and spoken communications.

Common mistakes are using many of the following phrases that suggest failure. These include

"Try to"
"Strive to"

There can also tendency to exagerate sometimes ludicrous extent. I saw a youtube video recently on NLP in Education where the speaker referred to statistics on improvements learning that were shall we say "somewhat optimistic..."

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Beyond NLP and Hypnosis

I originally studied NLP and Hypnosis in the 1990s and from 2004 taught NLP Prac and Master Prac certificated events. In 2004 I met Frank Farrelly the creator of Provocative Therapy and since then studied his approaches to then integrate these insights alongside Ericksonian Hypnosis to produce the "Provocative Change Works" approach which I use with great effect in private practice.

This combination IMO produces even faster and more integrated results with clients than NLP and in 2009 I am teaching what I have learned in the UK, USA and Europe.

Workshop dates can be found at www.nickkemp.com

Provocative Change Works insights can be found at

Monday, 19 January 2009

New NLP additions to www.nlpmp3.com

I just added a number of new mp3s to www.nlpmp3.com including interviews by Laura Spicer with Richard Bandler and other known NLP trainers on the power of voice. The site now also contains a substantial number of excellent paid products covering lots of different conditions from some excellent NLP practitioners!

NLPmp3 reamains unique as an unmoderated NLP resource with contraibutions from many different schools of NLP, providing FREE material, downloaded by thousands from across the planet!

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Different views in the world of NLP

I have in recent years lamented the crazy territorial battles that occur in the world of NLP and for this reason among others
www.nlpmp3.com remains neutral representing a host of different trainer views. Without this diversity NLP is IMO seen to be more about "whose got the best map" rather than producing excellent results!
I have had the benefit of interacting with NLPers from all schools of NLP and have found these interactions very useful. Its easy to also forget that as well as the high profile names in NLP, there are some excellent very skilled individuals on the planet, including Richard Gray among many others. Such folks don't tend to post on the somewhat crazy NLP newsgroups, but instead quietly get on with really using these NLP skills to help others.

Friday, 2 January 2009

2009 for NLPmp3 and About Time

In 2009 www.nlpmp3.com will continue to grow as the central resource for NLP downloads all of which are unedited and uncensored, allowing browsers to explore NLP from many viewpoints.

As well as the huge variety of NLP and other international trainers, we have a host of excellent paid products, including the full Human Alchemy series of CDs, including "About Time"

Here is the latest review of the About Time download

"I thought this looked good, and downloaded it a few days ago. I still keep finding new things in it, tho there is a tendency to drift off and miss bits LOL. Certainly there is much more to it than 'just' time and time distortion, a lot of NLP and other fields included, as well as loads for personal development and skill development.
IMO, this is great value, I realised I'd actually got more than I
expected, which is rare with most products. Too soon I think for any specific comments, each experience with it still seems different at the moment"


About Time was originally released in 2003 and should not be confused with a number of products by the same or similar name released after that date