Sunday, 29 June 2008

Recording quality for interviews

As a sound engineer one of my greatest frustrations is when people record live interviews and fail to pay attention to getting good sound levels for the interview. I listened recently to an NLP trainer's attempt to record interviews with other trainers and they had paid no attention to how the interview was recorded. The result was that one voice was massivly louder than the other and almost unlistenable!
If the interview is not live and on the phone then these are mitigating circumstances and fair enough. Recording over the phone is a real pain as this is not a great medium for audio quality. These days I use a Sony PCM D50 for interviews, which is thesame device I use for my private practice (see This device is a cut down version of the original king of recording devices, the Sony PCM D1, which is not an inexpensive item, but stunning sound quality, originally designed by Sony for the CIA!

Monday, 23 June 2008

Humour in NLP

Sometimes people take themselves way too seriously and NLPers are no exception! Fortunately there are many who also have a wicked sense of humour and this site is a good example of people who realise the absurdity of of some of the statements made online by NLPers!

Check out

Friday, 20 June 2008

Genera lies ations in NLP

Over the last 10 years and many years in private practice I have discovered that as an old trainer of mine once said about particular NLP techniques "These are generalisations, but useful generalisations..."

In NLP, eye accessing cues are one such generalisation where its possible to determine different types of behaviour. The best practitioners appreciate that no single behavioural indication is in itself a certain indicator of the full picture (please excuse pun) Hysterically some individuals have even run 4 day workshops on a single NLP technique!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Popular downloads

The most popular downloads on are the interviews with Richard Bandler, Paul McKenna and Frank Farrelly. The most popular audio article is "I can't see pictures" which can be found here

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Internut crazies

A few years ago I wrote an article titled "Into the Internut" where I pointed out some of the crazy interactions on NLP newsgroups. This was a lighthearted poke at how some people took themselves way too seriously and frequently offered quite ludicrous advice online. This really stirred up what my friend Andy (Rainbow Man) Austin calls "the happy clappers" who felt somewhat upset!

The full article can be read here

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Derren Brown, I don't think so...

A few years ago Derren Brown produced some really excellent TV and of course originally studied NLP with Richard Bandler in 1997 at a McKenna Breen London training. I attended an invite only TV programme in 2006 for C4 and was pretty impressed. Of course a lot of what he does has nothing to do with NLP (a common misconception voiced on many newsgroups...) but he does use some NLP techniques.

Then in recent years the TV shows became more and more sensational and quite frankly IMO quite irresponsible, culminating with him training people to rob an armoured van. Then in his last book he berates NLP and has in my opinion become a bit of a pratt.

Just a personal view of course...

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

John LaValle, the guy for teaching persuasion!

I just finished a 3 day course with John LaValle on "The Secrets of Persuasion and the Art of Influence" To cut a long story short this was a mindblowing 3 days with fantastic simply communicated information. I have see John many times, but this was definately my favourite!

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Memorable interviews

One of the delights in setting up this facility a few years ago is to be able to talk to the very best minds in change work. Memorable interviews include talking to Richard Bandler about the strangest things to ever happen in a seminar, discussing with Frank Farrelly about his first meeting the creators of NLP, how Michael Been first met Paul McKenna and Steve Andreas's work in CA.

Let me take this opportunity to thank all contributers to to date!

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Welcome to NLPmp3, the online resource for NLP

Welcome to the place for free interviews with the greatest minds in NLP, Hypnosis and Provocative Therapy! Here you can discover views from a host of different NLP, Hypnosis and Provocative Therapy perspectives and all interviews are unedited.
I set up NLPmp3 a few years ago after lamenting how many of the online resources had decended into "punch and judy style activities" Please e-mail any suggestions for additional interviews. Interviewes don't need to be trainers, simply people with something interesting to say. Whereas there have been attempts elsewhere for people to copy the NLPmp3 concept, nlpmp3 remains the leading site for information with exclusive interviews only found here and not recycled elsewhere!

Have fun and good listening

NLPmp3 Team