I am delighted to have access to the only interviews with Frank Farrelly in recent years and to host many of these on
http://www.nlpmp3.com/. Frank is of course not an NLPer, but was an influence on Bandler and Grinder. Interestingly I aksed both of them about each other and both of these can be heard on the site. I first met Frank in 2004 and we became frm friends and as well as maintaining regular phone contact he has stayed with me in the UK each time he runs events here.
I set up The Association for Provocative Therapy (
http://www.associationforprovocativetherapy.com/) to promote Frank's work, mindful that its very easy for people to think of PT only in a confrontational context! Frank is in the UK Nov 1/2 in Leeds for what promises to be another excellent and of course unpredictable event
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