A casual glance at newsgroups shows how some NLP trainers provoke a huge range of responses. The very best ones usually attract the crazies and stalkers who obsess about their every utterance! I have had my own share of "pet stalkers, trolls and crazies" god bless them! Here are in my view some of the best minds worth checking out for Change Work and NLP.
Richard Bandler and other trainers that speak their minds
Of course Richard Bandler is probably the number one target for the usually anonymous posters and critics. RB has alwys been outspoken and although I don't agree with all his views he has done an amazing job in bringing NLP to the masses. I first trained with himin the 1990s and have interviewed him on a number of ocassions, mp3s and transcripts can be found at http://www.nlpmp3.com/. I have always been impressed by his sense of humour and attitude. He has of course written over 40 books and continues to run workshops in the UK, Europe and USA.
Frank Farrelly & Provocative Therapy
Another great trainer is Frank Farrelly who was doing clinical work while Richard was still in high school! Frank also has a great sense of humour, unbelievable attitude and razor sharp mind. He originally trained with Carl Rodgers, but his Provocative Therapy approach was poles apart from Carl's original work. Frank certainly had his battles with the establishment and on a number of ocassions the "establishment" tried to shut him down. Bandler and Grinder both had Frank on their radar in the 1980s. Frank still runs events at the age of 77 and will be in the UK in Nov 2008 - see www.associationforrovocativetherapy.com and www.provocativetherapy.info
Milton Erickson and Hypnosis
Milton was a big influence on the creators of NLP and was again pretty controversial in his approaches. On numerous ocassions the establishment of the day attempted to curtail his working. I don't know about his sense of humour, but like Frank he was also a real creative genius. Milton of course long since shuffled off this mortal coil but Doug O Brien teaches Ericksonian material in his NLP & Hypnosis events.
The new wave of trainers?
There are literally thousands of NLPers and therapists, but IMO few real inovators. Many NLP practitioners simply parrot what their trainer's taught them and don't make the imaginative leap to a new level. I'm always wary of those who focus on titles and always quote others rather than from their own experience. I created http://www.nlpmp3.com/ to bring many of the best minds to one place so people can hear a range of uncensoed views and advice.
Good Listening
Nick Kemp
Creator of NLPmp3.com
Nick Kemp's Official Blog is now at www.nickkemp.com
Nick Kemp's Official Blog is now at www.nickkemp.com
For Nick Kemp's trainings go to www.nickkemptraining.com
For Nick Kemp's current articles, projects ...
11 years ago
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