Saturday, 20 December 2008

The Language of NLP in Business

NLP and Language in Business

You have probably heard of the term NLP because it’s been around for over 30 years, but in my experience few businesses have discovered how this toolkit can dramatically improve staff performance. NLP is short for Neuro Linguistic Programming and was created in the early 1970s by Dr Richard Bandler, a student of psychology at the university of California Santa Cruz, and John Grinder, the then assistant professor of linguistics. Neuro refers to how we organise our mental activity; linguistic is how we use language and how language affects us and programming relates to our behaviour in different situations.

Are you speaking the same language as your customers?

One of the most fascinating aspects of NLP is discovering how to harness the power of language to develop greater rapport with clients. When we use language we represent our ideas in some fashion and each of us do this in different ways, from our own unique perspectives.

There are three main ways in which we represent our thinking when we communicate with others and although we will all use a combination of these terms, each person will tend to have a bias to one particular mode of expression, which are as follows:

Visually - "I see"
Auditory - "I hear"
Kinaesthetically - "I feel"
Examples of visual language:

"Let’s see what we can do"
"We need to focus on what is ahead"
"I’m clear about what we discussed"
Examples of auditory language:

"I hear what you are saying"
"That sounds good to me"
"This really strikes a chord"
Examples of kinaesthetic language:

"That feels right"
"I sense this is going to work out fine"
"That’s a real weight off my shoulders"
It’s worth remembering that in dailyconversation the words and phrases we choose to select are indicators of our thinking and our intentions. By speaking ‘the same language’ as our clients, we increase the chance of building rapport and avoiding miscommunications. If a client is speaking in predominantly visual language, then as a salesperson you will build better rapport if you switch to using visual language as well. The art of language in persuasion If you run a business where most communication takes place over the phone, it’s worth remembering that your staff are working primarily in an auditory medium and the following elements then determine the outcome of each interaction:

Content – what you say
Tonality – how you phrase what you say
Pace – the speed and rhythm of what you say
In any training group, there is always at least one person who speaks too quickly or does not appreciate how to use tonality correctly to maintain the listener’s interest during the conversation. The reason why you may not remember many sales calls is because they are not that memorable; because the person in question failed to get and maintain your interest. The voice tone on the phone is sometimes far more important than the content of the communication. Another type of language pattern in NLP is the ‘suggestive predicate’. These phrases are also excellent resources in developing our ability to influence
others. Each phrase makes the listener anticipate what will follow in the conversation.

Examples of suggestive predicates include:

"I don’t know how soon you will notice…"
"Imagine if…"
"Would it be like to…"
"I don’t know how soon…"
Such patterns are also invaluable in business presentations where it is important to maintain client interest. Interestingly one sales member in a recruitment agency increased his success rate by 300 per cent, simply by using these patterns in his interactions with customers.

Language in customer service situations

There is an old saying ‘The meaning of what you say is what people hear’. Sometimes the communicator is not fully aware that particular phrases do not convey the original intention of the communication. I had a managing director who repeatedly used the phrase ‘I’ll try to’, which is one of many phrases that suggest that the intended action is not going to occur. The result of doing this was that many of his staff were wholly unconvinced that he would do what he said he was going to do.

Other examples are:

"All being well"
"We’ll try to"
"All things being equal"
"We’ll aim to"
Language is just one part of how we communicate and there are many more patterns of language in NLP. As we open up our ears, we open up our minds to new and interesting possibilities in all areas of life.

© Nick Kemp

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

NLP X Mas Sale

Newsletter subscribers to will receive advance notice of short sale periods where NLP downloads are heavily discounted!
The current sale item is "About Time" at just 4 pounds!

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Doug O Brien in the UK this weekend

Doug O Brien will be teaching Sleight of Mouth this weekend in Leeds UK. There are still a couple of places for those wanting to develop their linguistic skills! Doug is one of the most skilled NLP trainers around today and this is a rare opportunity to see him!

Sunday, 23 November 2008

NLP offers for newsletter subscribers

Throughout the year we'll be offering special discounts for newsletter subscribers to These will be typically on offer for just a few days so in the main only those who recieve the newsletters will know exatly when to obtain these discounts!

The first two offers will be The Adventures of Well Being Now by Nick Kemp and Life is Wet a full Provocative Therapy workshop!
Here's some information on these products

The Adventures of Well Being Now by Nick Kemp which usually
sells for 9.35, but for a limited period for 6 pounds sterling

This is what people are saying about this product

"Hey, I just want to take this opportunity to add my voice to the chorus of praise being sung about Nick Kemp's Hypnosis CDs. It is wonderful to listen to recordings that are intelligent and well done on every level, the production, the music, the inductions and the suggestions, every aspect is top notch. If you haven't yet had
the pleasure of listening to them I would heartily suggest you do. Thanks, Nick!"

Doug O'Brien and Associates, Center for NLP and Hypnosis, NY

"This is a very interesting CD using hypnotic language techniques to take you on an adventure discovering deep relaxation as well as facilitating change. We are sent many CDs and audiotapes from therapists for review, but it is truly unusual to come
across a product that is as effective and professional as this offering from Nick Kemp. As well as being a useful tool it should be of great interest to those who wish to use the more complex language techniques inherited from Milton Erickson's great
work. Highly recommended!"

Anglo American Books
reviewing "Adventures..."

Wow, new CD's from Nick Kemp? Can I get one? I always look forward to new recordings from Nick. He is doing something beneficial (one of my most highly valued criteria)that I'm sure will be of great use to listeners. With his emphasis on creating good intentions, the relaxing hypnotic rhythms of the music and a unique sound, these adventures in relaxation are in a category by themselves.

Michael Breen, Master Trainer of NLP

The hypnosis CD Adventures of Wellbeing Now, by Nick Kemp, is quality from start to finish. Great sound, skilful Miltonian suggestions & superb music that complements
the trance-work rather than obscuring it. Whether you want to get a deeper insight into hypnotic communication, or just want to relax and enjoy deep relaxation, this CD has a great deal to offer. Well done Nick!

Jamie Smart, Director of Training, Salad

"Adventures of Well Being Now" It's hard to provide a proper review for Kemp's work owing to the difficulty of listening to it consciously all the way through. There's something you need to know about Nick Kemp and that is his near pathological need
to produce fine quality. On learning that there were so many poor quality hypnosis/NLP CD's already out there, Kemp set out to redress this situation. His audio quality is perfect, the language patterns designed and delivered exquisitely and the binaural
music a sheer delight. But what is this CD all about? I honestly could not tell you
- I love it!

Andrew T Austin - Author of The Rainbow Machine

Frank Farrelly - Life is Wet -
Provocative Therapy 2006 MP3 DOWNLOAD

Life is Wet is an mp3 version of the complete 9 CD 2006 Provocative Therapy workshop. This is currently the only commercially avaliable complete audio workshop of Frank's work.

Hear Frank talking on this recording about the origins of Provocative Therapy, certification issues and exploring themes of business, social phobias, weight loss, anxiety, relationships,
public speaking, trust and his work in the field of parapsychology.

Provocative Therapy was developed in an inpatient ward as Farrelly, dissatisfied with his effectiveness as a therapist, began to explore new procedures for promoting significant,
resilient change in chronic and recalcitrant patients. He worked in this institutional setting for 17 years, continuing to develop and refine his techniques.

This download is just now just 45 pounds sterling for a limited period!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

New interviews wanted for 2009

We are no looking for new interviews from the world of NLP for 2009If interested please e-mail

Friday, 7 November 2008

Excerpt from Richard Bandler co creator of NLP interview

Excerpt of Nick Kemp's 2007 interview with Richard Bandler Co creator of NLP
I originally trained in NLP with Richard Bandler in the 1990s and have interviewed him a number of times over the years as well as regularly assisting on his events between 200 and 2003. Below is an extract from my 2007 interview with him, where he talks about NLP, DHE and NHR as well as his thoughts on Frank Farrelly, the creator of Provocative Therapy.

Richard Bandler - I've always talked about NLP as an evolutionary tool. You know, because certainly at the bottom line, people do it to get rid of a phobia or they do it so that, you know, they can motivate themselves a little better. But as soon as you start thinking about your thinking, then you have a whole other level of consciousness that didn't exist. Because now, when you start making choices about which tone of voice you talk to yourself in and where this picture is, and if you have a belief you don't like, the fact that you can dissolve it... Cos if you can get rid of one fear with a phobia cure, you can get rid of five.

And then you have to do something else, because it's not enough to just take something away; you have to put something in its place. Which brings us to design human engineering and the swish pattern. And as soon as you start thinking about, 'Well, if I'm going to take this away, then I'm going to put this up,' you start building propulsion systems and, of course, what are propulsion systems? They're designer states of consciousness. And as soon as you design new states of consciousness, then you can have new thoughts and therefore people get more freedom.

You know. Ultimately when people first - Like this practitioner group that's going on downstairs. These people are - All the notes they give me are about, 'How do I get rid of this pain?' When you start getting to the Master Prac by the end of that, after people knock out most of their pain, then they start going, 'Well, what can I do that's good?' They start going: 'Well, I'm much smarter.' Cos like you said, where you could never conceive of being so successful as an NLP trainer. I remember when you started. You were not a man of confidence! [Laughter] You know. You were one of those guys that starts out that, you know, you got a lot of crappy messages when you were young and weren't so sure of yourself and stuff, but as soon as you start doing things that work, you start sitting up straighter. You start asking the question, 'Well,' you know, 'I didn't used to think I could do this and now I can.' And you start going, 'Well, how crazy could I get?' [Laughter] You know, you're on TV for 27 weeks, you got clients coming out of the wall, you got all this stuff... And it's not just you: this is going on all over the planet.

I grew up in the first age of information. As Gregory Bateson, you know, said to me once- You know, because when- All of his students obviously attacked me, because they didn't know Bateson and I were friends. And when the Structure of Magic was sent to people, even Jay Haley said, "No-one's going to be interested in this. And obviously you don't understand Bateson's work." And Bateson said, "We succeeded where they failed." It's in the introduction of the Structure of Magic. Because Bateson, [Laughs] unlike his students, wasn't attached to his theory. He looked at me and he said, "Why didn't I do this?" and I said, "You couldn't have, Gregory, because the mathematics hadn't been invented yet." There was no cybernetics; there was no information science. Given what he did in those years, it was absolutely a genius step. I mean, he was a brilliant man. He invented the field of heuristics. If it wasn't for him, I couldn't have come along. But the tools that I had at my disposal - the fact that I knew how to program and model human behaviour so a computer could do it - meant that I could model human behaviour so another human could do it. And, you know, coming from a scientific background instead of a psychological or a sociological background, I wasn't looking for causes. I was looking for solutions, and it's a totally different thing. Who cares why a computer can do something? It either can or it can't. And if it can't get to the end, it freaks. It just doesn't get to the end. It doesn't go to the end and lie to you and go, 'Well, it really is the right answer,' even though it's not working. It either works or it doesn't

The rest of this interview is at

Monday, 3 November 2008

NLP in education, working in the classroom

I just added the Alison Hirons interview to Alison is an experienced NLPer who has been using her NLP skills in teaching students. Its refreshing to hear from somebody using the skills rather than talking about the theoretical application of NLP in this context! As someone who has been working with a longstanding teacher of 27 years in creating an online teaching resource there are few people IMO who are really using NLP to good effect in classroom situations.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Another world class NLP trainer speaks on

The World's best FREE NLP resource offers you another FREE NLP Trainer interview Doug O'Brien Interviews NLP Developer & Trainer David Gordon. David Gordon is one of the original developers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He has helped created and shape the field for over 25 years. Though he has touched virtually every aspect of NLP, his primary contribution has been in the area of modelling. In the last 10 years, he has developed several formats for usefully eliciting the fascinating structures that provide the foundations to the amazing variety of human experience.

See for this FREE download

The NLP Online Resource

Its just over a week since was relaunched which remains the best non partisan resource for NLP online. I first created the site in 2005 after seeing the launch of some quite dreadful newsgroups that were little more than sites for social chit chat, rather than a good source on information on NLP.

To date we not only have many of the world's best trainers, but also an increasing number of paid NLP products. The sister site is also now launched focussing on the very best Hypnosis products.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Its ALIVE I tell you!

The new site is now LIVE and after hours of work web guru Beju has created a fantastic site which is virtually so different to the original site that its like comparing Trump Towers to a garden shed!

Go take a look!

Sunday, 28 September 2008

NLP and "seeing pictures"

I Can't see pictures?

When I was assisting on Dr Richard Bandler’s London seminars, I could guarantee that during some of the NLP exercises at least five delegates would voice the immortal phrase, “I can’t see pictures!”

The use of semantics and the power of suggestion

On one occasion I worked with a delegate during a seminar who insisted that although he couldn’t see pictures, he could effortlessly describe the position of all his furniture and décor throughout his home! He described this process as his ability to obtain “visual representations!” We therefore proceeded to complete the exercises from that part of the seminar as I rephrased my questions to instead ask him about his “visual representations”

When someone makes the statement “I can’t see pictures”, this is of course a generalisation, which they are feeding back from their own unique perspective (no pun intended!). Often they will have some sense of visual location, but their pictures may “not yet” be in focus.

Many people will indicate that they can “imagine” seeing something as opposed to “seeing something”, if you ask them to! The use of language therefore plays a key part in how our attention is directed and when working with someone it’s useful to listen to their own language patterns and phrasing to facilitate easy communication.

Turning down the volume!

Many people will be so preoccupied in talking to themselves that they are literally too distracted by their own thoughts to really notice what is occurring in their visual medium. I remember once suggesting that a delegate turn down the volume of their internal dialogue to notice how this affected their ability to see their own pictures. In just a few seconds he began to notice how his pictures began to be more in focus, by this one simple adjustment. Of course as previously mentioned the phrasing of any questioning can be crucial as some people would consider “hearing voices” as being a sign of insanity, whereas thinking to themselves or talking to themselves could be seen in an entirely different way.

On another occasion by muting the internal dialogue, a delegate discovered that their visual representations became more noticeable. Previously they had been so “distracted” by their own self-talk that they were not still and composed enough to see what was there.

Check the breathing and begin to relax…

Another factor in improving the ability to see pictures is to explore a person’s breathing patterns. One of the most effective ways to change a person’s states is to change these patterns. The rate that people breathe is a major factor in determining the manner and rate in how they think. I have noticed from 25 years of teaching meditative systems, that even the simplest of meditations where a person pays more attention to their rate of breathing, will produce an increased sense of relaxation. As people relax more, they develop a greater ability to see pictures. More advanced systems of meditation can develop extraordinary sensory acuity both in the visual and auditory cortex’s.

Using geometrical shapes to improve concentration and noticing

Another technique that can help in accessing pictures is to begin to develop an ability to differentiate between different colours in different geometrical shapes. I have already outlined some of these exercises in the article on colour on this site. By focussing on a red triangle externally and then practising representing the same image internally, visual acuity can be developed. A more advanced way of doing this is in using correctly constructed mandalas that are designed to use the science of colour and geometry to generate specific altered states.

Diet, what diet?

A deficiency of minerals or vitamins can affect concentration and the ability to access pictures. For example a deficiency of manganese will severely inhibit the ability to visualise and fully use the visual representation system. Also particular stimulants will produce their own “altered states” although perhaps not in a manner that is useful to generate this greater ability to see pictures!

I remember dealing with a client on a Paul McKenna seminar, who anxiously commented that, he couldn’t see pictures and who seemed to me to be quite hyperactive. I subsequently discovered that by 10am that morning, he had already drunk three espresso coffees and smoked four cigarettes, creating a wonderful state of being completely “wired!” As he began to relax more and drink some water, (introducing some much needed oxygen into his system), he began to see his pictures more clearly.

Pick a picture, any picture, but make it a memorable one!

We know from NLP that people unconsciously delete, generalise and distort information. For many (except perhaps some accountants) the image of completing a tax return will produce a very different dynamic to recalling the time when you first kissed your first girlfriend or boyfriend. If I am working with someone in improving visual acuity I will always ask him or her to pick an event or person that has a strong positive association! I remember Dr Bandler asking a delegate who commented that he couldn’t see pictures to “imagine sucking on his girlfriend’s tit” (his phrasing, not mine!) which certainly produced a noticeable change of state both in the subject and those watching!

If all else fails, its time to go into deep trance…

Sometimes if other approaches don’t produce the appropriate result, its easier to take the person into a deep trance and ask their unconscious what would be needed in order for them to make whatever changes seem most appropriate to improve visual acuity. This can be done directly or through metaphor with careful attention to voice tone, and mirroring the person’s own representative visual language.

Finally in my experience its not that people “can’t see pictures,” it’s just that they are more used to using other representational systems! Now, do you “see my point?”

The audio version of this can be found at

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Richard Bandler, John LaValle, Paul McKenna, Nick Kemp, Frank Farrelly, who's next?

So far from the world of NLP we have numerous unedited interviews with Richard Bandler, John LaValle, Paul McKenna, Nick Kemp, Michel Neill, Michael Breen, Joseph Riggio, Andrew T Austin, Sue Knight as well as main speakers at the NLP IASH 2008 Conference

So who else would you like to see interviewed from the world of NLP?

Friday, 19 September 2008

Diversity in NLP

When I set up it would have been easy to have simply interviewed the Society of NLP trainers and personalities I already knew. Instead I decided to gather together a much wider range of views from different schools of NLP, so the site has become unique in what it offers.

I am not a fan of the territorial style of NLP where people are thrown off newsgroups for simply having a different view or where people value the personality of the trainer above real learning. Many of the most skilled individuals I have interviewed do not have grand titles and don't even formally teach NLP, but rather use the skills to really help others. The recent additions to the site are a great example of this. These days I would much rather spend aelle day with Richard Gray than someone teaching their take on NLP, as there is no substitute for real experience!

Bandler and Grinder modelled a wide range of therapists, who were highly effective, but worked in different ways. The NLPmp3 site reflects this kind of diversity and many of the NLP trainers would probably not agree even on what NLP is, but crucially te public can have access to free unedited information and make their own minds up. Others have attempted to imitate NLPmp3, but none have produced such a diversity and I am grateful for all those thousands who continue to support this facility!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

4 New exclusive downloads now online!

We have just added 4 new FREE NLP interview downloads now at the site, which are only avaliable from site the first, best and original site for NLP audio interviews.
NLPmp3 is committed to bringing you news from specialists from all schools of NLP and all interview downloads are totally FREE. The latest 4 downloads are from individuals with decades of experience in the field, making them the true therapeutic, health
and education specialists in the field of NLP.

NLP and Addictions by Richard Gray
Dr. Gray is a regular workshop presenter for the National Association of Social Workers.He has made presentations for the The Dr. Lonnie E. Mitchell National HBCU Substance Abuse Conference at Howard University; Broome County Community College and The University of Binghamton, Binghamton, NY; Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ; the Veterans Resource Center in Brooklyn, NY; The Richmond County Mental Health Association; and
the New York Open Center
Here he talks about his work in the field of addictions

NLP in Education and working with ADD by Don Blackerby
In 1981, Don Blackerby established SUCCESS SKILLS, a training and consulting firm in Oklahoma, USA. He established SUCCESS SKILLS in order to allow him to expand Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP) into new applications such as the learning process, peak performance in sports, and helping struggling students. Today, he is recognized as the foremost NLP authority on Learning Disabilities, including Attention Deficit Disorder

NLP and Language by Charles Faulkner
A prolific innovator, Charles has pioneered methods for accelerated language learning,as well as medical and financial decision-making. He is particularly well-known for his work with futures traders and his research on the role of "metaphor" in communication
and behavior. Charles is the author of Metaphors of Identity, Submodalities: An Inside View of Your Mind, Worlds Within a Word, The Essence of Intuition, The Mythic Wheel of Life, Creating Irresistible Influence with NLP, co-author of NLP In Action, and
chief architect and co-author of NLP:The New Technology of Achievement and Success Mastery with NLP.

NLP in Health and the Institute for the Advanced Studies of Health by Tim Hallbom

Tim Hallbom is a trainer, author, and developer in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
In 1985 Tim co-founded an NLP Training Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah, which became an internationally recognized organization that offered practical, skill-based training to individuals, businesses and government organizations

Download at

Friday, 12 September 2008

Future interviews for NLPmp3

There are a number of exciting new interviews that will be appearing on from the USA IASH conference. Watch this space!

Friday, 22 August 2008

Geniuses in NLP, how many could there be?

While surfing the net in recent times I couldn't help but noticed how on many NLP and Hypnosis sites, individuals are increasingly described as geniuses! On one site I saw a list of interviews where all the interviewees were geniuses!

In Webster's dictionary a "genius" is defined as

"extraordinary intellectual power especially as manifested in creative activity c: a person endowed with transcendent mental superiority; especially : a person with a very high IQ"

On checking the alledged "geniuses" on the sites I found it somewhat difficult to think of many these people as posessing "transcendant mental superiority" and in some cases even "mental superiority"

In an era of hype in marketing it seems more and more commonplace that people give themselves ever grander titles and describe themselves in more grandiose ways. I have met some very smart people in the world of NLP, in business and in the Arts, but I struggle to properly describe many as geniuses. It reminds me of a comment I once heard in a workshop years ago when a trainer commented

"I have told you a million times not to exagerate!"

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Controversial figures in NLP and Change Work

A casual glance at newsgroups shows how some NLP trainers provoke a huge range of responses. The very best ones usually attract the crazies and stalkers who obsess about their every utterance! I have had my own share of "pet stalkers, trolls and crazies" god bless them! Here are in my view some of the best minds worth checking out for Change Work and NLP.

Richard Bandler and other trainers that speak their minds
Of course Richard Bandler is probably the number one target for the usually anonymous posters and critics. RB has alwys been outspoken and although I don't agree with all his views he has done an amazing job in bringing NLP to the masses. I first trained with himin the 1990s and have interviewed him on a number of ocassions, mp3s and transcripts can be found at I have always been impressed by his sense of humour and attitude. He has of course written over 40 books and continues to run workshops in the UK, Europe and USA.

Frank Farrelly & Provocative Therapy
Another great trainer is Frank Farrelly who was doing clinical work while Richard was still in high school! Frank also has a great sense of humour, unbelievable attitude and razor sharp mind. He originally trained with Carl Rodgers, but his Provocative Therapy approach was poles apart from Carl's original work. Frank certainly had his battles with the establishment and on a number of ocassions the "establishment" tried to shut him down. Bandler and Grinder both had Frank on their radar in the 1980s. Frank still runs events at the age of 77 and will be in the UK in Nov 2008 - see and

Milton Erickson and Hypnosis
Milton was a big influence on the creators of NLP and was again pretty controversial in his approaches. On numerous ocassions the establishment of the day attempted to curtail his working. I don't know about his sense of humour, but like Frank he was also a real creative genius. Milton of course long since shuffled off this mortal coil but Doug O Brien teaches Ericksonian material in his NLP & Hypnosis events.

The new wave of trainers?
There are literally thousands of NLPers and therapists, but IMO few real inovators. Many NLP practitioners simply parrot what their trainer's taught them and don't make the imaginative leap to a new level. I'm always wary of those who focus on titles and always quote others rather than from their own experience. I created to bring many of the best minds to one place so people can hear a range of uncensoed views and advice.

Good Listening

Nick Kemp
Creator of

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Running NLP events and training styles

I first heard about NLP in the early 1990s and my first training was with Richard Bandler, Michael Breen and Paul McKenna. This was a rock and roll 7 day training and to my amazement there were over 350+ attendees! In the hay day of the Paul McKenna London trainings, there were up to 600 attendees on some of the events with an assisting team of 50+. Between 2000 and 2003 I assisted on many events and this was very helpful in formulating my own trainings and especially with figuring out the best formats for learning. To date I have taught NLP introduction, Practitioner and Master Practitioner events, all in a modular format, which in my experience gives people the best opportunity to integrate skills.

I have also seen literally thousands of people on both my own and other's courses which has give me an excellent insight into what works best in terms of sequencing information. I have also mentioned in recent times my lament about the increasing hype in NLP marketing which IMO does very little to promote the credibility of NLP n the public domain.

One of the main bones of contention between NLP schools is the insistance that NLP certificated courses MUST be of a certain duration. I remember seeing one website that had a vitriolic attack on accelerated NLP events and
seemed to run its own training like an out of bounds course, each to their own! Last year an enquirer toone of my own events had just attended a very well know USA style NLP event where she literally sat behind a desk for the first 4 days listening to a presenter repeat exactly what she had already listened to one the 20 CD preparation pack. She commented that the delegates only completed one exercise a day and she was bored to tears by the presenter's style!

Saturday, 2 August 2008

NLP is NLP, not and TFT, EFT, Reiki, Tree Hugging etc

With great dismay I notice today that one major NLP company now displays TFT on its NLP website as part of its NLP training. No wonder the public get confused when these different appoaches get muddled in this way!

NLP is NLP, just that!

NLP is NLP and there are enough tools in the NLP toolkit to work with most client conditions. My view is that some NLP companies now try to tag on a raft of additional approaches in an attempt to sell more events. Now we have additional certfications and diplomas all to increase the hype and fuel marketing initiatives. I have spoken out regularly against what I call "happy clappers" who seem more preoccupied with learning techniques that require no thinking and can just be rolled out regardless of whatever the client prsents in relation to "the problem"


I have no training in tapping, but have increasingly had clients come to see me who have seen tappers and not doscovered any useful benefits. In one instance a client had a telephone consultation, where they had ever even met the tapper! I did laugh at the website and couldn't help but wonder how satire could be very close to real life...

NLP and Professional Standards

I am pleased to be a board member of ANLP which is UK based and at least has a code of ethical standards, which in my view are pretty good. When I receive equiries about NLP training many of the public are totally confused by the hype that exists and of course many new trainers who have given up their day jobs, then quickly return to them once they realise that teaching NLP is not an easy and certainly not usually a financially lucrative option unless the trainers have good business strategies. I can't help but wonder how companies that employ comission only sales staff to sell NLP courses may have a greater focus on purely generating "bums on seats" than running training events in a responsible manner.

So for anyone choosing an NLP training, read carefully what is said on the trainer's website and check the content for accuracy of information! Also take a look at to hear lots of free unedited information from a variety of different NLP trainers and decide for yourself who is worth listening to and who is worth training with!

Nick Kemp

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Richard Bandler Quotes

Quotes from Dr Richard Bandler, creator of NLP

"The reason people have problems is that they have too much time to think."

"The best thing about the past is that it's over. The best thing about the future is that it's yet to come. The best thing about the present is that it's here now."

“The greatest personal limitation is to be found not in the things you want to do and can't, but in the things you've never considered doing”

“Physics changes, but reality stays the same”

"People always tell me with absolute certainty that they don't trust themselves"

All we are ever doing is putting things together or taking things apart…”

"We take the very best of what people do, synthesise it down, make it learnable and share it with each other - and that is what the real future of what NLP will be and its gonna stay that way!”

“If your world isn't moving a hundred times faster than your client, then you're not going to see the other person's patterns. You won't have the time to observe them or replay their behaviour to detect their patterns.”

“The evolution isn't over. We are the experience that the universe is having.

“Disappointment requires adequate planning”

“Brains aren't designed to get result; they go in directions. If you know how the brain works you can set your own directions. If you don't, then someone else will.”

"In High School I flunked English Language and Public Speaking. NLP was my revenge!"

"NLP is an attitude and a methodology, not the trail of techniques it leaves behind"

"Ho hum, more pleasure!"

If you say to yourself "It's difficult to get up in the morning", "It's hard to cease smoking", then you are already using hypnotic suggestions on yourself...

You know what ? Certain people think they will fell good if certain things happen... The trick is : you have to feel good for no reason...
But I'm sure of something, if you make you feel bad, you'll make bad decisions.
Remember, it's your own body, your own brain. You're not a victim of the universe, you are the universe.
If you can't enjoy what you have, you can't enjoy more of it.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I don't have to be an expert to use something. All I have to do is to use it.
- I'm depressed- How do you know that ?- I'm sorry ?- You don't have to be sorry. How do you know, maybe are you happy !- I don't think so.- Are you sure ?- Yeah- Are you sure enough to be unsure ?- As a matter of fact of fact, I'm am.- Good, so you are certain you have doubt

Peoples tell me with absolute certainty they don't trust themselves. Or they tell me that they decided absolutely that they can't make good decision.
You know what, it's impossible for anyone to tell you anything that's a generalisation about themselves that won't destroy itself including that one...

I have news for you, God made me forgive you but I'm not going to. To me I don't want to be forgiven, I want to do better. See, one people tell me "I'm really sorry". I go "Fuck you", just do better. Don't tell me so I have to make you feel better.

I made the door in my house left-handed, because I'm left handed. When people come in, they push the door the wrong way, and hit themselves on the door. And you know what ? People keep harder and harder to do it ! When something doesn't work, try the same thing harder !

I work with kids taht are lysdexic

You can't change people by removing something. You must create a void and then fill it...

It's not impossible; it's the way I make that don't make it happen.

Don't ever to busy to be alive...

Memories are like holograms : you recreate in your head the whole image of something which isn't there.
Against what do they check your vision ? Against the most-non natural thing : a letter chart. You don't find them in nature. You don't go in the forest and see an 'E'.

When you are altering submodalities, you are already in some time distortion, the way you organize time a certain times versus others allows you to change those submodalities.

If you want to test the submodality shift between something you're sure, and something you're not, choose this fact : 'Doing in waking time every trance phenomenon I can do in trance'.

You are born with only two fear : fear of falling and fear of loud noise. All the rest is learned. And it's a lot of work!

How much pleasure can you stand?

"- I'm depressed..."
If you ask about what, and he answers "I don't know !", you're stuck. Ask "How do you know ?". Always ask about the biggest chunk.
If you can't get all that stuff you learned back to the store and get a refund, then you haven't integrated it !

So, hypnosis doesn't exists... And the way, what's your name, I don't remember. And what was so important for you not to forget. NOW !

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Free interviews with the top NLP Trainers in the world

There are hours of FREE interviews with many of the top NLP trainers in the world here at including Richard Bandler, John LaValle, Michael Breen, Paul McKenna, Joseph Riggio, Nick Kemp, Doug O Brien, Sue Knight, Michael Neil among many others

All these interviews are absolutely FREE and of course NLPmp3 is the first and best FREE resource for information on NLP and the original site which was established in 2005

Friday, 18 July 2008

Frank Farrelly on NLPmp3

I am delighted to have access to the only interviews with Frank Farrelly in recent years and to host many of these on Frank is of course not an NLPer, but was an influence on Bandler and Grinder. Interestingly I aksed both of them about each other and both of these can be heard on the site. I first met Frank in 2004 and we became frm friends and as well as maintaining regular phone contact he has stayed with me in the UK each time he runs events here.

I set up The Association for Provocative Therapy ( to promote Frank's work, mindful that its very easy for people to think of PT only in a confrontational context! Frank is in the UK Nov 1/2 in Leeds for what promises to be another excellent and of course unpredictable event

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Pivot Grammer and Surround Sound Hypnosis

Pivot grammar used on “This Healing Space” Hypnosis CD by Nick Kemp

Pivot grammar has been defined as “a loose grammar governing two word utterances by children”

I first came across pivot grammar a number of years ago and immediately had the idea of using this language in the form of “a loop” on the Healing within Hypnosis CD. There is of course another induction “inside the loop” which means that most people will not be able to track the pivot aspect. I have therefore detailed the pivot aspect below for those interested in this type of word play. This language pattern was used extensively on the “This Healing Space” track by myself (Nick Kemp) to great effect. I also released this track as a separate DTS surround sound CD, which is the first surround sound hypnosis product released commercially!
You may notice that there are times when the pivot words connect in other ways to produce some interesting effects. Here is the induction transcript

Back words
Words back
To begin
Begin to
Move into
Into move
Inside more
More inside
Hearing now
Now hearing
Different sounds
Sounds different
Within silence
Silence within
That knowing
Knowing that
More inside
Inside more
More inside
Inside more
That space
Space that
Easily notices
Notices easily
Different sounds
Sounds different
Within silence
Silence within
Everything slowing
Slowing everything
To now
Now to
Being here
Here being
More inside
Inside more
Breathing deeply
Deeply breathing
Relaxing further
Further relaxing
Relaxing inside
Inside relaxing
Being still
Still being
Now now
You can
Can you
Here be
Be here
Sitting inside
Inside sitting
Sitting inside
Inside sitting
More space
Space more
Is present
Present is
Drifting into
Into drifting
Like this
This like
Magic is
Is magic
Stiller now
Now stiller
Stiller now
Now stiller
Within space
Space within
Space within
Within space
Always be
Be always
Relaxing relaxing
Into going
Going into
New spaces
Spaces new
More sense
Sense more
Sound inside
Inside sound
In trance
Trance in
Always being
Being always
Comfortable comfortable
Changes are
Are changes
Always here
Here always
Inside more
More inside
To going
Going to
Being stiller
Stiller being
Is Always
Always is
Someone knowing
Knowing someone
Is loving
Loving is
Always here
Here always
Inside more
More inside
This moment
Moment this
Feeling more
More feeling
Wonder now
Now wonder
Into more
More into
Being here
Here being
Comfortably now
Now comfortably
Relaxing into
Into relaxing
Between words
Words between
Space still
Still space

For more on Nick Kemp's products, trainings and articles check
For Nick Kemp FREE interviews see

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Imitation, the sincerest form of flattery? launched in 2005 and is still the original and only NLPmp3 download site that provides information from a variety of schools of NLP, rather than a business trying to sell courses! Since then there have been a number of attempts to copy the format and even an attempt to sell interviews on CD, with information that is mainly already found on the FREE interviews on In other instances NLP interviews are endlessley recycled across many sites, so listeners are often disappointed to hear that the "new interview" is really just the same one they heard in days gone by!

NLPmp3 provides more than just the world's best NLP trainers. We also provide interviews with specialists from the world of Hypnosis and Provocative Therapy, so you continue to have access to the world's best communicatiors, all absolutely FREE.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

3 new mp3s added!

We just added 3 new free mp3 downloads to These are two interviews with members of D.I.P (The German institute of Provocative Therapy) and a free instrumental track for hypnosis by Nick Kemp and Doug O Brien

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Recording quality for interviews

As a sound engineer one of my greatest frustrations is when people record live interviews and fail to pay attention to getting good sound levels for the interview. I listened recently to an NLP trainer's attempt to record interviews with other trainers and they had paid no attention to how the interview was recorded. The result was that one voice was massivly louder than the other and almost unlistenable!
If the interview is not live and on the phone then these are mitigating circumstances and fair enough. Recording over the phone is a real pain as this is not a great medium for audio quality. These days I use a Sony PCM D50 for interviews, which is thesame device I use for my private practice (see This device is a cut down version of the original king of recording devices, the Sony PCM D1, which is not an inexpensive item, but stunning sound quality, originally designed by Sony for the CIA!

Monday, 23 June 2008

Humour in NLP

Sometimes people take themselves way too seriously and NLPers are no exception! Fortunately there are many who also have a wicked sense of humour and this site is a good example of people who realise the absurdity of of some of the statements made online by NLPers!

Check out

Friday, 20 June 2008

Genera lies ations in NLP

Over the last 10 years and many years in private practice I have discovered that as an old trainer of mine once said about particular NLP techniques "These are generalisations, but useful generalisations..."

In NLP, eye accessing cues are one such generalisation where its possible to determine different types of behaviour. The best practitioners appreciate that no single behavioural indication is in itself a certain indicator of the full picture (please excuse pun) Hysterically some individuals have even run 4 day workshops on a single NLP technique!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Popular downloads

The most popular downloads on are the interviews with Richard Bandler, Paul McKenna and Frank Farrelly. The most popular audio article is "I can't see pictures" which can be found here

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Internut crazies

A few years ago I wrote an article titled "Into the Internut" where I pointed out some of the crazy interactions on NLP newsgroups. This was a lighthearted poke at how some people took themselves way too seriously and frequently offered quite ludicrous advice online. This really stirred up what my friend Andy (Rainbow Man) Austin calls "the happy clappers" who felt somewhat upset!

The full article can be read here

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Derren Brown, I don't think so...

A few years ago Derren Brown produced some really excellent TV and of course originally studied NLP with Richard Bandler in 1997 at a McKenna Breen London training. I attended an invite only TV programme in 2006 for C4 and was pretty impressed. Of course a lot of what he does has nothing to do with NLP (a common misconception voiced on many newsgroups...) but he does use some NLP techniques.

Then in recent years the TV shows became more and more sensational and quite frankly IMO quite irresponsible, culminating with him training people to rob an armoured van. Then in his last book he berates NLP and has in my opinion become a bit of a pratt.

Just a personal view of course...

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

John LaValle, the guy for teaching persuasion!

I just finished a 3 day course with John LaValle on "The Secrets of Persuasion and the Art of Influence" To cut a long story short this was a mindblowing 3 days with fantastic simply communicated information. I have see John many times, but this was definately my favourite!

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Memorable interviews

One of the delights in setting up this facility a few years ago is to be able to talk to the very best minds in change work. Memorable interviews include talking to Richard Bandler about the strangest things to ever happen in a seminar, discussing with Frank Farrelly about his first meeting the creators of NLP, how Michael Been first met Paul McKenna and Steve Andreas's work in CA.

Let me take this opportunity to thank all contributers to to date!

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Welcome to NLPmp3, the online resource for NLP

Welcome to the place for free interviews with the greatest minds in NLP, Hypnosis and Provocative Therapy! Here you can discover views from a host of different NLP, Hypnosis and Provocative Therapy perspectives and all interviews are unedited.
I set up NLPmp3 a few years ago after lamenting how many of the online resources had decended into "punch and judy style activities" Please e-mail any suggestions for additional interviews. Interviewes don't need to be trainers, simply people with something interesting to say. Whereas there have been attempts elsewhere for people to copy the NLPmp3 concept, nlpmp3 remains the leading site for information with exclusive interviews only found here and not recycled elsewhere!

Have fun and good listening

NLPmp3 Team